Day 05: Ann McIndoo - Utilizing Strategic Partnerships for Success & Sales
As CEO and Founder of So, You Want to Write!, Ann McIndoo is your Author’s Coach who will help you to get your book out of your head and a manuscript into your hands. Designed for speakers, professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, and CEOs, Ann’s coaching and author’s programs will guide you through a proven process and help you achieve your book-writing goals.
Since 2005, Ann has produced more than 1,000+ books for Speakers, Consultations, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, CEOs and Professionals and specializes in teaching you:
- How to Prepare yourself to write—what to do BEFORE you pick up your pen!
- How to Organize your material—turn that pile of notes into a real book!
- How to Produce content for your book—start writing!
- How to stay motivated and deal with procrastination and “writer’s block”!
- Amazing Writing technologies—simple, effective ways to produce content quickly!
Ann McIndoo is my personal book writing coach and she helped Tony Robbins get a book out of his head and onto paper. Tune in as Ann shares:
- Her 6+ steps to sell 1,000 books in 21 days
- 3 ingredients that your book MUST have to be successful
- What a Business Way Beyond Your Book looks like
Thanks for bearing with us through the crackling at the beginning of the call. You're great!
Ann's Links
- All about Ann’s live event: Authors Boot Camp
- Making $$$ with your message: BusinessWayBeyondYourBook.com
- Ann’s Bestselling Book: 7EasyStepsToWriteYourBook.com
- Ann’s #1 Bestseller on Kindle: HeartbeatsInParis.com
- Ann’s blog: AnnMcIndoo.com
- Brochure about Ann and her services: SoYouWantToWrite.com
What ancillary products to your book do you/could you have?
Win Some Prizes!
When we meet the social media goals below we will be giving away the following prizes. Follow us on all social networks for a chance to win each of the 4 prizes.
Prize #1
Full Basic Publishing Package from Darrell Knoch, Owner of Real Self Publishing ($1,000 value)
of 5,000
Prize #2
A full year’s membership to SelfGrowthMarketing.com from David Riklan of SelfGrowth.com ($997 value)
of 5,000
Prize #3
Bestseller Blueprint Membership, an online training by Steve Harrison and Jack Canfield ($997 value)
of 2,000