Day 04: Nina Amir - Blogging a Book
Nina Amir, bestselling author of How to Blog a Book and The Author Training Manual, transforms writers into successful authors, authorpreneurs and blogpreneurs. Known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach, she moves her clients from ideas to finished books as well as to careers as authors by helping them combine their passion and purpose so they create products that positively and meaningfully impact the world.
As sought-after author coach, book coach, blog and blog-to-book, and results coach, some of Nina’s clients have sold 300,000+ copies of their books, landed deals with major publishing houses and created thriving businesses around their books. She writes four blogs, self-published 13 books and founded National Nonfiction Writing Month, aka the Write Nonfiction in November Challenge.
Nina Amir has a different perspective on publishing books that you'll find interesting...shorter books & blogging your books. This interview includes:
- 3+ steps to consider when writing a book to make it marketable
- How to become your own acquisition editor
- How to crowd source feedback from your readers before your book is published
Sorry about the Small Nina & Ryan. It's kinda a retro thing. Just picture watching us on one of those mini TVs you used to have as a kid. 🙂 Also this is just a portion of the entire interview. You can see the whole interview along with 26 others by ordering access to the entire Summit below.
Nina's Links
What questions do you have about blogging your own book?
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